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SB Freight Logistics' wide network of offices, associates, and business partners in more than 50 countries on six continents, provide and run freight management and logistics solutions for thousands of shipments annually.

Established in 1992, SB Freight Logistics is one of the leading Clearing, International Freight Forwarding, Logistics, and Transport management companies delivering cost-effective solutions throughout the India and rest of the world. Headquatered at Delhi, India and with associate offices all over India & overseas.
SB Freight Logistics carries thousands of shipments annually. This increasing volume of business has afforded us the opportunity to offer our customers competitive pricing options traditionally unavailable in the open market.
Operational capabilities and competitive pricing are just the beginning of what sets our company apart from traditional transportation providers. Value added services provided in India encompass the full spectrum of logistics management. From liaising with suppliers and manufacturers to real time cargo tracking, SB freight logistics offers our customers the ability to streamline and improve their order fulfillment requirements.

CEO's Message.

Since its humble beginning in 1992, decades of first hand experience has enabled SB Freight Logistics to become a leading provider of transportation services from India to Europe, United State, Africa & China.
Our reputation is based on key elements of competent and enthusiastic personnel, supported by progressive and innovative information systems, ensuring the most efficient service to our clients.

Praveen Kumar Sharma

CEO SB Freight Logistics


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